August 19, 2024

Advancing Social Equity: Actions Across the States


Actions taken by many states across the U.S. are fundamental in advancing social equity for all residents. New Jersey is in the forefront of these efforts as enunciated by Governor Murphy in his 2024 State of the State address in which he specifically called for New Jersey to be a state that is not just stronger or fairer but is both.[1] The creation of the Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Office of the Governor and of DEI offices established across state agencies provides further evidence that the governor’s words are being carried out in concrete actions, as does his signing of the act which created the NJ Maternal and Infant Health Innovation Authority, the first such authority in the U.S. established to reduce racial disparities in maternal and infant deaths.

However, what New Jersey does not do is to require state agencies to use equity as a metric in their annual performance reports. This requirement would be a critical step in ensuring that equity efforts are embedded in the ongoing routines of government. In this project, we are looking to see how/whether other states are incorporating equity as a metric to assess the operations and performance of individual government agencies. In our research, we are also identifying what agencies are doing in other states to advance equity across several public service delivery areas including public safety, public health, education, natural resources, transportation, and the environment. These initiatives can provide models for New Jersey to use in its efforts to be a stronger and fairer state.

Progress to Date:

We are researching agency websites, annual and performance reports, and other sources of information for the 50 states. In our research, we have yet to identify any state that has specific legislation requiring state agencies to include equity as a performance indicator.  We are, however, finding a wide array of initiatives adopted by state agencies to advance equity across public service delivery areas. Below is a sampling of state initiatives to advance equity that we have thus far identified.

Education.  The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) created a color-coded Equity Dashboard to identify students who are at risk in several categories such as chronic absenteeism. The dashboard is designed to help schools and school districts identify areas needing further attention.[2]

Environment &Natural Resources. The five-year strategic plan of Alaska’s Department of Natural Resources, and the Division of Parks and Recreation, includes several goals to advance equity.  For example, one goal is to “integrate history, heritage, subsistence, culture, education, and the arts into the department’s work.” This includes acknowledging the work of, and partnering with, Native American tribes.[3]

Public Safety. The Arizona Department of Child Safety in its 2024 strategic plan states that it will create a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Program and will “work to improve relationships to increase collaborative decision-making with communities that are disproportionally involved with [us].”[4]

Criminal Justice. The Illinois Governor established the Justice, Equity, and Opportunity Initiative within the Lieutenant Governor’s Office. This effort “centralizes the state’s justice reform efforts and promotes economic opportunities for communities impacted by a broken criminal justice system.” Among the Office’s 2020 deliverables were the development of a racial equity tool kit and support for equitable policies for individuals in custody.[5]

Public Health. One of Arizona’s Department of Health Services’ FY 2024 strategic initiatives is to implement its Health Equity Action Plan which provides a definition of equity and specific goals and strategies to increase health equity.[6]

Way Forward:

Using publicly available data, we will continue to identify initiatives to advance equity across government agencies in the 50 states, with a particular focus on equity in agency performance assessments.  Once we complete our research, we will synthesize common elements of equity in U.S. state government agency performance assessment and in efforts to advance equity across several public service delivery areas including public safety, public health, education, the environment, natural resources, and transportation.







