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So far Tamara Swedberg has created 139 blog entries.

One Million More Acres, But Who’s Counting?


By Thomas G. Dallessio. Almost twenty-five years ago, the Governor’s Council on New Jersey Outdoors identified the need to preserve a million more acres of open space, farmland, and historic sites in New Jersey. The Chair of that Council, Former Assemblywoman Maureen Ogden recently passed away [...]

One Million More Acres, But Who’s Counting?2022-10-21T16:46:38-04:00

Report Release: Does the Decision to Allow Local Cannabis-Related Businesses Impact Home Sale Prices?


By Michael S. Hayes, Associate Professor, Rutgers University-Camden and Prakash Kandel, Ph.D. Student, Rutgers University-Camden. During the 2020 general election, New Jersey voters approved a ballot question to amend the state constitution to allow residents [...]

Report Release: Does the Decision to Allow Local Cannabis-Related Businesses Impact Home Sale Prices?2023-09-19T13:59:52-04:00

A Second Pandemic: Is telehealth a solution to the mental health crisis in the post-pandemic era?


by Heather Butler and Aakanksha Deoli The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic engendered a precarious environment that significantly exacerbated existing mental health disorders and triggered new ones. According to Mental Health America, roughly one in five American adults suffered from a mental health condition in 2019. In the same year, the American Academy of Family [...]

A Second Pandemic: Is telehealth a solution to the mental health crisis in the post-pandemic era?2022-10-21T16:46:19-04:00

Coastal Adaptation in New Jersey


by Josephine O’Grady New Jersey was among the states hit hardest by Superstorm Sandy, resulting in 37 billion dollars in community restoration, and severely affecting 40,500 primary residences and 15,600 rental properties. As coastal hazards continue to rise in frequency and severity, understanding adaptation strategies for coastal management and development is essential to mitigate future [...]

Coastal Adaptation in New Jersey2022-10-21T16:44:30-04:00

Access Issues Still Persist in Medicaid: How Race, Location, and Physician Capacity all Play a Role


by Amanda Hinton Medicaid enrollees of color, specifically Black and Hispanic patients, are less likely to be able to access care because racial disparities exist within the Medicaid program. A 2020 study examined primary care physician (PCP) Medicaid acceptance rates in Virginia. The researchers found that in communities with high percentages of Hispanic residents there [...]

Access Issues Still Persist in Medicaid: How Race, Location, and Physician Capacity all Play a Role2022-10-21T16:44:20-04:00

Broadband Connection Access: An Essential Social Determinant of Health in the Digital Era


by Edgar Romero and Anita Franzione Fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth services and virtual care rapidly expanded and allowed health care providers to continue delivering patient care. However, it is important to address the underlying issues that restrict people from accessing these services due to income or no means to access connectivity. These barriers [...]

Broadband Connection Access: An Essential Social Determinant of Health in the Digital Era2022-10-21T16:44:04-04:00

Medicaid Expansion Increased Eligibility for Millions but were Racial Disparities Exacerbated in the Process?


by Amanda Hinton Medicaid has long been a vital program that provides a safety net for low-income individuals to obtain health insurance. In 2020, Medicaid covered 17.8 percent of the population in the United States. Although Medicaid covers a large portion of the population across the country, issues accessing care still exist for beneficiaries. Medicaid [...]

Medicaid Expansion Increased Eligibility for Millions but were Racial Disparities Exacerbated in the Process?2022-10-21T16:43:38-04:00

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Poverty Rates in New Jersey, 2010-2020


by Maia de la Calle, Rutgers Economic Advisory Service (R/ECON™) To gain a clear understanding of racial and ethnic disparities related to poverty, it is most important to focus on the poverty rate rather than the poverty count. According to the results presented in Figure 1.1, a much greater share of Black (17.3 percent) and [...]

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Poverty Rates in New Jersey, 2010-20202022-10-21T16:45:07-04:00
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