March 25, 2025

Senate Committee Advances Bills to Boost Housing Development – NJ State Policy Updates


Senate Committee Advances Bill Requiring Anti-Choking Devices in Schools – On March 17th, the Senate Education Committee unanimously voted to advance Bill S908, which would require all public and private schools to purchase and maintain FDA-registered portable anti-choking devices in certain areas, such as cafeterias and nurses’ offices. The state would reimburse states for the cost of these devices.  Proponents, including LifeVac, a company that manufactures anti-choking devices, as well as advocates and supporting lawmakers, argued that the devices serve as a critical backup when traditional methods fail. However, some experts and officials questioned the safety and effectiveness of anti-choking devices.



Senate Committee Advances Bills to Boost Real Estate Development – On March 17th, the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee unanimously voted to advance several housing bills. The measures would allow underused or vacant commercial properties to be redeveloped for mixed-use housing, reduce parking mandates for residential developments near public transit, and create a $25 million grant program for high-density housing.  Supporters argued the bills would spur development, help address the state’s affordable housing shortage, and revitalize struggling commercial areas. However, opponents, including the New Jersey League of Municipalities, raised concerns over the state’s preemption of local zoning authority.



Assembly Committee Advances Three Abortion Bills – On March 20th, the Assembly Community Development and Women’s Affairs Committee voted 4-2 along party lines to advance three abortion-related bills. The bills would penalize anti-abortion pregnancy centers for misleading statements or advertising and establish a travel advisory for states with abortion restrictions. Additionally, another bill also seeks to join New Jersey in the Women’s Reproductive Health Care Compact, which would prevent the extradition or investigation of individuals who obtain or provide abortions by states with abortion bans. Supporting lawmakers contended that the measures expand and protect women’s freedom to make informed reproductive health choices. Anti-abortion advocates, including the New Jersey Family Policy Center and Republican lawmakers condemned the legislation, arguing the bills discriminate against religious and pro-life organizations.

Bills Addressing Eating Disorders Advance Through Assembly Committee – On March 20th, the Assembly Community Development and Women’s Affairs Committee unanimously voted to advance three bills aimed at addressing eating disorders. The legislation would require certain school coaches to complete state-developed training on eating disorders which covers risk factors, symptoms, and prevention strategies for student-athletes. Additionally, the bills would expand eating disorder awareness, prevention, and counseling services in schools and prohibit health insurance companies from using body weight to determine coverage for eating disorder treatment. Supporting advocates and organizations, including the Penn Medicine Princeton Center for Eating Disorders, argued the measures are essential for increasing awareness, identifying at-risk individuals, and improving treatment, particularly among student-athletes.