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In the News2024-02-14T11:52:54-05:00
2802, 2023

A plan to cancel student college debt is on the docket. Here’s some perspective. | Opinion

Linda Stamato, NJSPL Policy Fellow and co-founder of the Center for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, wrote a new op-ed discussing the United States Supreme Court's upcoming decision to whether or not President Biden’s action to cancel any amount of student debt passes constitutional muster.

1602, 2023

Trump and the future of the Civil Service

The interim dean of Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and Principal Investigator of the NJSPL, Stuart Shapiro discusses his recent book in which he examines the impact of the Trump administration’s attempt to “deconstruct the administrative state" in an op-ed on The Hill.

202, 2023

A study by Rutgers-Newark says families need to know about new financial aid programs and applying through FAFSA

Dr. Robyn Ince, Executive Director of the Newark City of Learning Collaborative and Research Affiliate of the NJSPL, was interviewed on WBGO 88.3FM regarding the recent case study her team published, in which they interviewed various individuals from Newark to better understand their awareness regarding certain college financial aid programs.

3001, 2023

How Newark Sees College Aid

Inside Higher Ed featured an article about a recent report from the New Jersey State Policy Lab in collaboration with the Joseph C. Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies and the Newark City of Learning Collaborative, which interviewed families about their perception and understanding of Community College Opportunity Grant (CCOG) and Garden State Guarantee (GSG) financial aid programs.

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