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About Tamara Swedberg

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So far Tamara Swedberg has created 139 blog entries.

Caring for Our Families during COVID-19: Costly Decisions for New Jersey Parents


Sarah Small and Debra Lancaster In the US and around the world, growing evidence indicates women have borne the brunt of the economic crisis and social upheaval triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. New Jersey is no exception. In a forthcoming report from the Center for Women and Work -- funded by the New Jersey [...]

Caring for Our Families during COVID-19: Costly Decisions for New Jersey Parents2022-10-21T16:23:08-04:00

Rutgers releases first-of-its-kind report on impact of weed legalization in N.J.


A first-of-its-kind study made public on Monday by the New Jersey State Policy Lab at Rutgers University hopes to answer such questions and provide a starting point for cannabis research.

Rutgers releases first-of-its-kind report on impact of weed legalization in N.J.2022-02-16T01:36:41-05:00

Report Release: Cannabis Legalization: A Baseline Study


Today, we’re releasing our report, Cannabis Legalization: A Baseline Study, as part of a project led by Dean Charles Menifield, one of the Policy Lab’s Co-Principal Investigators. This report explores education, health, and law enforcement outcomes associated with the legalization of marijuana [...]

Report Release: Cannabis Legalization: A Baseline Study2023-09-19T12:09:22-04:00

Our First Report: Encouraging Activation of Vacant Commercial Properties


The New Jersey State Policy Lab is publishing our first report, Vacant Commercial Property in New Jersey: Causes and Solutions, written by Michael Hayes and Pengju Zhang. The economic recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an increase in vacant [...]

Our First Report: Encouraging Activation of Vacant Commercial Properties2023-08-07T12:01:59-04:00

The New Jersey High School Experience: Differences in Freshman Year Science Course-taking


Vandeen Campbell, Ph.D. It is well established that careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields tend to offer higher wages (Carnevale, Cheah, & Hanson, 2015). Further, individuals who begin engaging in standard and advanced STEM coursework early in high school are more likely to pursue STEM majors in college (Enberg & Wolniak, 2013). [...]

The New Jersey High School Experience: Differences in Freshman Year Science Course-taking2022-10-21T16:20:44-04:00

New Jersey Intercounty Migration Trends, 2018-2019


by Tia Azzi and Michael Lahr, R/Econ™ The latest report from R/Econ™ examines the migration trends across counties within New Jersey between 2018 and 2019. This report uses Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data, rather than that from than the U.S. Census, to report migration by county. This analysis divides New Jersey into five regions to [...]

New Jersey Intercounty Migration Trends, 2018-20192022-10-21T16:20:27-04:00

Is Telehealth Making Healthcare More Accessible For the LGBTQ+ Community?  


Domonique Noel Across the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic has made a drastic impact on the lives of LGBTQ+[1] people in several unforeseen ways. One of those ways is in healthcare delivery, as an increasing number of healthcare providers and patients of all identities are now relying on telehealth or telecommunication technology to get healthcare while practicing [...]

Is Telehealth Making Healthcare More Accessible For the LGBTQ+ Community?  2022-10-21T16:19:41-04:00

Equity in Government Budgeting


Marilyn Rubin Opening the core routines of budgeting to include an equity dimension can make government more responsive to all its residents and can provide a pathway to a more equitable society. In this project, we are looking to see if, and how, city and state governments in the United States are using their budgets [...]

Equity in Government Budgeting2022-10-21T16:18:53-04:00

Has New Jersey’s Housing Market Peaked? A New Year’s Assessment


By Michael L. Lahr, Director of Rutgers Economic Research Service (R/ECON™) What is the status of New Jersey housing markets? The bottom line has been more or less the same since June 2020: double-digit price growth prompted by low inventory and depressed interest rates. Have they peaked? That is a tougher call. For sure, the [...]

Has New Jersey’s Housing Market Peaked? A New Year’s Assessment2022-10-21T16:18:28-04:00

Conflict Resolution: How It Can Be Applied To Planning Issues


Conflict resolution is being used with increasing frequency to supplement, and, in some cases, supplant traditional decision-making processes at all levels of government. By emphasizing process over partisanship, conflict resolution has enabled advocates of seemingly irreconcilable political views and conflicting agendas to develop policy and legislation. Agreements have been reached on broad issues such as [...]

Conflict Resolution: How It Can Be Applied To Planning Issues2022-03-23T11:44:19-04:00
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