New Jersey State Policy Lab Logo

Ensuring Access to Nature and Outdoor Recreation: Advancing Health Equity for People with Disabilities


By Jeanne Herb. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 21% of New Jersey adults have some type of disability. CDC reports that people with disabilities are disproportionately affected by chronic diseases [...]

Ensuring Access to Nature and Outdoor Recreation: Advancing Health Equity for People with Disabilities2023-02-23T08:26:31-05:00

Addressing Energy Inequity in New Jersey: Recommendations for Effective Policy Implementation


By Tarun Reddy Arasu The United States, in general, and New Jersey specifically, are undergoing significant changes in energy production, with a focus on transitioning away from carbon-intensive sources and towards clean energy. In an earlier blog article, “Energy Inequity in New Jersey,” we learned that low-income and minority communities are disproportionately affected by energy [...]

Addressing Energy Inequity in New Jersey: Recommendations for Effective Policy Implementation2023-02-13T09:34:09-05:00

Aspects of Energy Inequity in New Jersey


By Tarun Reddy Arasu New Jersey is the fourth smallest state in terms of land area and is the most densely populated state in the United States. Over the past few decades, compounded by rapid industrialization, energy has become one of the essential commodities in modern times, so much so that it has become a [...]

Aspects of Energy Inequity in New Jersey2023-01-30T08:58:39-05:00

15-Minute Neighborhoods:  Lessons from Outside New Jersey


By Jon Carnegie, James Kenah, and Maarten Roose. Fifteen-minute neighborhoods provide residents with access to frequent and reliable public transit, parks, schools, gathering places, social services, places to buy healthy fresh food, and other amenities within a comfortable walk or bike ride [...]

15-Minute Neighborhoods:  Lessons from Outside New Jersey2023-01-23T08:54:49-05:00

Report Release: Enhancing the Resilience of New Jersey Communities Using ARez


By Michel C. Boufadel, Ph.D., New Jersey Institute of Technology; Firas Gerges, Ph.D., Princeton University; and Hani Nassif, Ph.D., Rutgers University – New Brunswick. The New Jersey State Policy Lab has released a new report in collaboration with researchers [...]

Report Release: Enhancing the Resilience of New Jersey Communities Using ARez2023-08-07T12:18:38-04:00

Heat or Eat? The Low-Income Home Energy Distribution Program (LIHEAP) and Its Implications for New Jersey


By Josephine O'Grady. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance program (LIHEAP) is a federal block grant program that assists low-income families with the cost of paying their utility bills in areas including extreme heat and cold, household revisions to improve energy efficiency [...]

Heat or Eat? The Low-Income Home Energy Distribution Program (LIHEAP) and Its Implications for New Jersey2022-11-30T14:45:30-05:00

Report Release: Equitable Property Acquisitions to Enhance Climate Resilience


With support from the New Jersey State Policy Lab, the New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center Climate Corps conducted research to better understand how flood buyback and managed retreat programs [...]

Report Release: Equitable Property Acquisitions to Enhance Climate Resilience2023-08-07T12:17:22-04:00

2022 New Jersey Climate Survey – Rutgers-Eagleton Poll Results


As we mark the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, and more than a year since Hurricane Ida, the vast majority of New Jerseyans (78 percent) believe the Earth’s climate is changing and consider changing climate conditions to be a serious threat to New Jersey (72 percent), according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton poll. The 2022 New [...]

2022 New Jersey Climate Survey – Rutgers-Eagleton Poll Results2023-04-21T08:57:01-04:00

Advancing Municipal Environmental Justice in New Jersey


By Jeanne Herb. Over the past year, the New Jersey State Policy Lab has provided support to a collaborative effort of the Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and the New Jersey Department of Environmental protection [...]

Advancing Municipal Environmental Justice in New Jersey2022-10-21T16:49:55-04:00
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