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Guilt Tipping and the Inflated Default Tip


By Michael L. Lahr, Rutgers Economic Advisory Service (R/Econ™) In a recent article, New York Times reporter Christina Morales writes about the spread of “tipping fatigue,” noting how electronic screens now recommend tips as high as 35 percent of the bill and how these screens are cropping up at new places, like bakeries, movie theaters, [...]

Guilt Tipping and the Inflated Default Tip2022-10-21T16:30:55-04:00

How has COVID Affected Women and Work in New Jersey? Our New Report Investigates


Sarah Small and Debra Lancaster. Women’s work lives have been disrupted in profound ways during COVID-19: in their roles as frontline workers confronting the virus, as caregivers taking on even more unpaid care work at home due to childcare disruptions [...]

How has COVID Affected Women and Work in New Jersey? Our New Report Investigates2023-08-07T11:52:55-04:00

Lowering Tax Rates on Motor Fuels: A Bad Idea That’s Gaining Momentum


By Michael L. Lahr, Rutgers Economic Advisory Service (R/Econ™) Policymakers’ hearts are in the right place. Presently, the United Kingdom and a few U.S. states are enabling at least a temporary reprieve from fuel taxes in the name of solidarity against Russian aggression.[1] In the face of budget surpluses and soaring energy prices, it would [...]

Lowering Tax Rates on Motor Fuels: A Bad Idea That’s Gaining Momentum2022-10-21T16:29:03-04:00

New Jersey’s Single-Family Housing Markets by County 2021


Naheed Azhar and Michael L. Lahr, Rutgers Economic Advisory Service (R/Econ™) As the count of listings and asking prices flattened,[i] realtors and creditors predicted a rise in foreclosures and mortgage delinquencies as people were laid off and furloughed and as many small businesses failed.[ii] But things did not roll out as feared for housing markets. [...]

New Jersey’s Single-Family Housing Markets by County 20212022-10-21T16:27:56-04:00

Report Release: COVID-19 and the Gender Wage Gap in New Jersey


With childcare disruptions, deep unemployment, and job changes, women in New Jersey have faced turbulent economic prospects worse than men’s along several dimensions throughout the pandemic. However, New Jersey women are no stranger to economic inequities [...]

Report Release: COVID-19 and the Gender Wage Gap in New Jersey2024-05-08T15:39:15-04:00

An Early 2022 Inflation Update for New Jersey


Michael Lahr, R/Econ™ In terms of both crude oil and natural gas production, Russia is second only to the United States worldwide. Moreover, about 8% of U.S. petroleum imports are from Russia.[1] For Europe, that share is closer to 40%.[2] So, clearly the Russia-Ukraine crisis poses a severe risk to petroleum markets. The shutdown of all [...]

An Early 2022 Inflation Update for New Jersey2022-10-21T16:24:49-04:00

Report Release: The New Jersey Housing Crisis in a COVID Era


By Katharine Nelson. Affordable housing is increasingly scarce within the United States, and COVID-19 has dramatically exacerbated the simmering crisis in affordable housing. In New Jersey, the risk of eviction is greater than across the country [...]

Report Release: The New Jersey Housing Crisis in a COVID Era2023-09-19T12:12:48-04:00

Our First Report: Encouraging Activation of Vacant Commercial Properties


The New Jersey State Policy Lab is publishing our first report, Vacant Commercial Property in New Jersey: Causes and Solutions, written by Michael Hayes and Pengju Zhang. The economic recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an increase in vacant [...]

Our First Report: Encouraging Activation of Vacant Commercial Properties2023-08-07T12:01:59-04:00

New Jersey Intercounty Migration Trends, 2018-2019


by Tia Azzi and Michael Lahr, R/Econ™ The latest report from R/Econ™ examines the migration trends across counties within New Jersey between 2018 and 2019. This report uses Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data, rather than that from than the U.S. Census, to report migration by county. This analysis divides New Jersey into five regions to [...]

New Jersey Intercounty Migration Trends, 2018-20192022-10-21T16:20:27-04:00

Has New Jersey’s Housing Market Peaked? A New Year’s Assessment


By Michael L. Lahr, Director of Rutgers Economic Research Service (R/ECON™) What is the status of New Jersey housing markets? The bottom line has been more or less the same since June 2020: double-digit price growth prompted by low inventory and depressed interest rates. Have they peaked? That is a tougher call. For sure, the [...]

Has New Jersey’s Housing Market Peaked? A New Year’s Assessment2022-10-21T16:18:28-04:00
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