New Jersey State Policy Lab Logo

Using the Community Intrinsic Resilience Index to Tackle Energy Equity and Budget Deficit in New Jersey


By Firas Gerges, Michel Boufadel, and Hani Nassif. The Community Intrinsic Resilience Index (CIRI) captures the intrinsic (i.e., not relative) resilience level of critical community sectors, allowing practitioners and policymakers to make resilience-informed plans and strategies. [...]

Using the Community Intrinsic Resilience Index to Tackle Energy Equity and Budget Deficit in New Jersey2022-10-21T16:49:16-04:00

Evaluating Risk Perception: Lessons from Hurricane Sandy


By Josephine O’Grady. As we approach the 10th anniversary since the second-costliest hurricane in U.S. history hit the New Jersey coastline, the lessons have increasingly pointed to conversations about the relationship between awareness, education, and risk perception [...]

Evaluating Risk Perception: Lessons from Hurricane Sandy2022-10-21T16:48:45-04:00

Retreat in the 21st Century, Adapting to a New Era of Climate Change


By Kathyrn Balitsos and Garin Bulger Managed or planned retreat is a climate change adaptation strategy that allows the shoreline to advance inward unimpeded, necessitating the removal of buildings and other built infrastructure. To facilitate managed retreat efforts, federal, state, and local government programs acquire lands and properties, including those that have been damaged by [...]

Retreat in the 21st Century, Adapting to a New Era of Climate Change2022-11-03T08:32:13-04:00

One Million More Acres, But Who’s Counting?


By Thomas G. Dallessio. Almost twenty-five years ago, the Governor’s Council on New Jersey Outdoors identified the need to preserve a million more acres of open space, farmland, and historic sites in New Jersey. The Chair of that Council, Former Assemblywoman Maureen Ogden recently passed away [...]

One Million More Acres, But Who’s Counting?2022-10-21T16:46:38-04:00

Coastal Adaptation in New Jersey


by Josephine O’Grady New Jersey was among the states hit hardest by Superstorm Sandy, resulting in 37 billion dollars in community restoration, and severely affecting 40,500 primary residences and 15,600 rental properties. As coastal hazards continue to rise in frequency and severity, understanding adaptation strategies for coastal management and development is essential to mitigate future [...]

Coastal Adaptation in New Jersey2022-10-21T16:44:30-04:00

Stepping away from the Edge: Blue Acres, Buyouts, and Managed Retreat


by Kathyrn Balitsos and Garin Bulger As sea levels and flood waters rise, the necessity of a managed retreat in an increasing number of areas becomes ever more evident. Managed retreat is the process of deliberately moving away from places that are no longer safe to remain due to various environmental factors, most often flooding. [...]

Stepping away from the Edge: Blue Acres, Buyouts, and Managed Retreat2022-10-21T16:40:55-04:00

One Million Acres or Bust: A Quarter Century of Open Space, Farmland and Historic Preservation


By Thomas G. Dallessio Twenty-four years ago, the Governor’s Council on New Jersey Outdoors released a report that determined, “…the open space needs of our present and future generations greatly outweigh the resources we have been able to provide.”[1] The report added, “The public said that we are protecting too little open space, too slowly, [...]

One Million Acres or Bust: A Quarter Century of Open Space, Farmland and Historic Preservation2022-10-21T16:37:35-04:00

Social Media and Individuals’ Environment-Friendly Actions


by Vishal Trehan Climate change is one of the wicked problems of our times. It is well established that human activity is the primary cause for drastic changes in the climate over the last seventy years.[1] However, public opinion on climate change is multidimensional, dynamic, and differentiated – these dimensions include beliefs about anthropogenic climate [...]

Social Media and Individuals’ Environment-Friendly Actions2022-10-21T16:36:26-04:00

Report on Food Security and Organic Waste Reduction


By Jeanne Herb. The New Jersey State Policy Lab and the Organics Workgroup of the NJ Climate Change Alliance have partnered to inform the development of statewide public policy aimed at reducing food waste, contributing to food security, and reducing landfill organic wastes [...]

Report on Food Security and Organic Waste Reduction2023-08-07T11:57:50-04:00
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