New Jersey State Policy Lab Logo

Assessing Equity in the Utilization of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funding: Evidence from New Jersey and Beyond  


Pengju Zhang, Ph.D. & Michael S. Hayes, Ph.D. The American Rescue Plan Act's Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (ARPA-SLFRF) provides $350 billion to state and local governments [...]

Assessing Equity in the Utilization of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funding: Evidence from New Jersey and Beyond  2024-06-20T09:13:50-04:00

How New Jersey’s 2025 Tax Revenue Projections Might Affect the Budget Surplus


By Will Irving. Is the Budget Surplus Safe? Governor Murphy’s recently released FY 2025 budget proposal calls for total appropriations of $55.9 billion, up $1.5 billion (2.7%) from the original FY 2024 appropriation [...]

How New Jersey’s 2025 Tax Revenue Projections Might Affect the Budget Surplus2024-03-26T09:31:17-04:00

Is There Cause for Concern in New Jersey’s Latest Unemployment Numbers?


By Will Irving While New Jersey’s payroll employment has continued to grow this year after the rapid job gains of the post-pandemic recovery, a slower pace of growth in recent months and a sharp rise in the state’s unemployment rate, particularly over the last six months, are giving rise to some concern (see this article [...]

Is There Cause for Concern in New Jersey’s Latest Unemployment Numbers?2023-12-04T10:26:08-05:00

Report Release: Who Experienced the Greatest Financial Burden from Inflation in NJ?


By Jocelyn Fischer, Ph.D. and Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, Ph.D. During the COVID-19 pandemic, New Jersey has experienced record high levels of inflation.  These price increases raise concerns about New Jerseyans’ financial well-being.  However, inflation [...]

Report Release: Who Experienced the Greatest Financial Burden from Inflation in NJ?2023-11-14T11:26:24-05:00

New Jersey Ranks First in Income, but Housing Costs Take a Hefty Share Especially for those with Lower Incomes


By William Irving. Data released earlier this month from the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual American Community Survey show that New Jersey now tops the list of states with the highest incomes in the country [...]

New Jersey Ranks First in Income, but Housing Costs Take a Hefty Share Especially for those with Lower Incomes2023-10-02T09:38:52-04:00

Data Brief Release: Inflation Hurts Everyone but Some More than Others in New Jersey 


By Jocelyn Fischer and Yana van der Meulen Rodgers. Inflation levels in the U.S. have reached decades-long highs during the COVID-19 pandemic and in its wake.  Because inflation can erode people’s ability to afford the goods and services they need, the recent uptick in inflation has raised concerns [...]

Data Brief Release: Inflation Hurts Everyone but Some More than Others in New Jersey 2023-09-28T12:09:38-04:00
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