New Jersey State Policy Lab Logo

Literature Review & Policy Menu: How Can the Government Improve New Jersey Families’ Access to Childcare?


By Jocelyn Fischer and Debra Lancaster. Childcare is unaffordable for many families.  The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services deems affordable childcare costs as those that are no more than 7 percent of families’ incomes [...]

Literature Review & Policy Menu: How Can the Government Improve New Jersey Families’ Access to Childcare?2023-01-19T10:08:21-05:00

It’s Time to Disaggregate Data for Asian Americans: Subgroup Differences Among Asian Women


By Amanda Hinton In a follow-up to my previous blog post about the dangers of data aggregation for Asian Americans in research, I would like to dive deeper into examining disparities among women. Asian American women experience distinct health outcomes compared to men and like overall Asian aggregated data, when we look more closely at [...]

It’s Time to Disaggregate Data for Asian Americans: Subgroup Differences Among Asian Women2022-12-19T08:16:06-05:00

Data Brief Release: A Supply-Demand Model Informs Childcare Market Deficits in New Jersey: Estimates Point to Need for More Data


By Sarah F. Small and Debra Lancaster. Failing childcare markets have been detrimental to the US economy in recent years.[1] We have examined the childcare crisis in New Jersey from both the supply side and the demand side [...]

Data Brief Release: A Supply-Demand Model Informs Childcare Market Deficits in New Jersey: Estimates Point to Need for More Data2023-08-07T11:38:24-04:00

Data Brief Release: New Jersey’s Changing Population and Childcare Needs


By Sarah F. Small and Debra Lancaster. Like many parents in the United States, New Jersey parents have faced some formidable obstacles finding accessible quality childcare. This is particularly true given changes in the childcare landscape during COVID-19, as documented in our recent report [...]

Data Brief Release: New Jersey’s Changing Population and Childcare Needs2024-04-24T15:29:27-04:00

Data Brief Release: New Jersey’s Childcare Landscape During COVID-19: A Slow and Uneven Recovery


By Sarah Small and Debra Lancaster. Many New Jersey parents felt the sting of reduced childcare access during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the childcare landscape has not made a recovery [...]

Data Brief Release: New Jersey’s Childcare Landscape During COVID-19: A Slow and Uneven Recovery2024-04-24T15:29:38-04:00

Prevalence of Child Poverty in New Jersey


by Maia de la Calle, Rutgers Economic Advisory Service (R/ECON™) Over the past two decades, children in New Jersey have been more afflicted by poverty than have adults. Growing up in poverty translates to higher exposure to economic deprivation, chronic exposure to stressors, inadequate nutrition, and limited educational opportunities, amongst other hardships. Research points to [...]

Prevalence of Child Poverty in New Jersey2022-10-21T16:37:54-04:00

Report Release: Pandemic’s Impact on Women in NJ: Domestic Violence, Access to Healthcare and Housing


By Sarah Small and Debra Lancaster. With so much economic precarity brought on by the pandemic, many women in New Jersey have been confronted with issues of homelessness and inaccessible healthcare [...]

Report Release: Pandemic’s Impact on Women in NJ: Domestic Violence, Access to Healthcare and Housing2023-09-19T13:44:35-04:00

How has COVID Affected Women and Work in New Jersey? Our New Report Investigates


Sarah Small and Debra Lancaster. Women’s work lives have been disrupted in profound ways during COVID-19: in their roles as frontline workers confronting the virus, as caregivers taking on even more unpaid care work at home due to childcare disruptions [...]

How has COVID Affected Women and Work in New Jersey? Our New Report Investigates2023-08-07T11:52:55-04:00

Women’s Work in Frontline Industries: Essential Roles, Little Reward


Sarah Small and Deb Lancaster Frontline essential workers were lauded as heroes in 2020 during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, but ultimately, little was done by way of supporting such workers. This meant that frontline workers face extraordinary risk, but with little reward. In New Jersey, the majority of frontline essential workers are women, [...]

Women’s Work in Frontline Industries: Essential Roles, Little Reward2022-10-21T16:28:47-04:00
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